ummuhan kemancı

General Channel Report

All Categories > Reports > General Channel Report General Channel Report "General

Missed Requests

All Categories > Reports > Missed Requests Missed Requests "Missed Request" ın

Session History

All Categories > Reports > Session History Session History "Session History" in

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I view the operators in my team


All Categories   >   Handbook  >  Passive-Active Passive-Active "Passive - active" in the


All Categories > Reports > Rating Rating "Rating" in the "Reports" section

Work Log

All Categories > Reports > Work Log Work Log "Work log" in

Session Time

All Categories > Reports > Session Time Session Time "Session time" in

Chatbot History

All Categories > Reports > Chatbot History Chatbot History "Chatbot history" in

Offline Messages

All Categories > Reports > Offline Messages Offline Messages "Offline messages" in